A six-year-old child has been killed when an auto-rickshaw, carrying the body of an infant, was hit by an oil tanker in Khilgaon area in Dhaka city, police say. Police initially said two children died in Monday evening’s accident but later revised the figure. Locals recovered the body of an infant and six-year-old ‘Sumaiya’ from the site. Police said the three-wheeler fell into a roadside water body on impact of the collision at ‘Nagdar Par’ around 6pm on Monday. Khilgaon Police Station’s OC Mostafizur Rahman said then that Sumaiya and the infant had died in the crash. Later, he corrected the information, saying the infant was already dead and that the auto-rickshaw met the accident when its parents, Md Shipon and Sonia Begum, were returning home. Shipon’s sister Sumaiya was accompanying them. OC Rahman said the infant died at a hospital on Monday. “The other child died in the accident,” he added. Locals rescued three others, Shipon, his wife and the auto-rickshaw driver, and took them to a local hospital. The couple has been sent to Dhaka Medical College Hospital, according to bdnews24.com.
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