Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who has never shied away from showcasing his singing talent both on TV and films, feels that music has become a “complex world” as more and more electronic items are being used to create songs. The 73-year-old, who is currently hosting “Aaj Ki Raat Hai Zindagi”, can be seen singing in the beginning of every episode of the new show.
“It’s a complex world, music… it’s gaining knowledge of the electronics more than getting to hit the right notes, in this field…what could possibly go wrong is now being handled by computer intelligence and power…the singing is the least bothersome… with auto tuners around in abundance,” Amitabh posted on his blog. While sharing some of his photographs singing inside a recording room, the “Piku” actor wrote: “The songs of the past get a make over…they demand a price…a price of time and dedicated attention till the right notes are placed in conjunction with the orchestra and those that control the sounds which shall reach the openers of the #AajKiRaatHaiZindagi show.
“It is a labor of love and feeling…that to me is more than what the outcome of such endeavour shall be…one forgets the time, the hour the desires of normal existence, food water temperature…it’s just another world. ‘Music if it had not been in our lives, then life would have been a mistake’,” he added, according to a news agency.
“It’s a complex world, music… it’s gaining knowledge of the electronics more than getting to hit the right notes, in this field…what could possibly go wrong is now being handled by computer intelligence and power…the singing is the least bothersome… with auto tuners around in abundance,” Amitabh posted on his blog. While sharing some of his photographs singing inside a recording room, the “Piku” actor wrote: “The songs of the past get a make over…they demand a price…a price of time and dedicated attention till the right notes are placed in conjunction with the orchestra and those that control the sounds which shall reach the openers of the #AajKiRaatHaiZindagi show.
“It is a labor of love and feeling…that to me is more than what the outcome of such endeavour shall be…one forgets the time, the hour the desires of normal existence, food water temperature…it’s just another world. ‘Music if it had not been in our lives, then life would have been a mistake’,” he added, according to a news agency.
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