A young housewife and her minor daughter were strangulated to death allegedly by her husband over a dowry-related feud in Kaliganj upazila in Satkhira district on Tuesday. The deceased were identified as Sabina Khatun, 24, wife of Abdur Rauf, a resident of Ghona Kashempur village of the Upazila, and her two-and-half years old daughter Ayesha Siddika. Locals said Abdur Rauf had married Sabina, daughter of Anwar Hossain, a resident of Tarali village, three-and-half years back. Since after their marriage, Rauf had often tortured Sabina for dowry. Rauf had also demanded a motorcycle from Sabina’s family. The victim’s mother, Jahanara Begum, said Rauf had been pressing Sabina to bring the motorcycle as dowry from her parents as early as possible, a demand that she refused. Angered by refusal, Rauf mercilessly beat up Sabina. Sabina along with Ayesha moved to her father’s house at Tarali village. On Monday night, Rauf came to his father-in-law’s house. Later, Rauf strangled Sabina and Ayesha at about 3:00am and fled the scene, leaving them dead on the spot. Being informed, police recovered the bodies and sent those to Satkhira Sadar Hospital for autopsy. Police also arrested Rauf on Tuesday morning, according to a news agency.
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