Police arrested two people along with 600 bottles of Indian Phensidyl syrup from a pick-up van at Krishnapur on the Magura-Jessore highway in Shalikha upazila of Magura on Friday. The arrestees were identified as Jahangir Alam, 23, son of Jabed Ali of Bakerganj upazila in Barisal district, and Nur islam, 40, son of Akkas Ali of Patharghata upazila in Satkhira district. Abu Jihad, officer-in-charge of Shalikha Police Station said, tipped off a team of police conducted a drive in the area and intercepted a pick-up van while the vehicle was going to Dhaka from Satkhira for selling the Phensidyl in the afternoon. Later, the law enforcers recovered 600 bottles of Indian Phensidyl syrup searching the vehicle and arrested the driver Jahangir and his helper Nur. A case was filed in this connection, according to a news agency.
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