Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The learning of Ramadan vs our wrong doings

We already have started feeling a little bit sad as the best month of the year is almost coming to an end. The last ten days of Ramadan to ask for forgiveness is finally here. Due to its nature Ramadan is a celebrated month for all the citizens of our country regardless of religion. Ramadan itself is a part of our culture. You will not find any grown up person in Bangladesh who does not have a story about the glorious, colourful, simple Eid they had in their childhood. Throughout the month people anticipate for Eid, however, we know everyone feels a tiny bit of sadness when the holy month nears its end.

Fasting is mandatory for every Muslim with a few exceptions. And by fasting Islam does not only mean not taking any food from sunrise till sunset, it is just a part of fasting.  Ramadan is the month of practicing controlled life throughout every aspect of our lives so that we can keep those practices on during the whole year. We abandon having food so that we realise how the less fortunate bunch of the society pass their lives every day.  If we truly feel the struggle the poor of our society go through by practicing Ramadan, we would be more sympathetic to them, help them to get a better life.



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