Saturday, November 28, 2015

How To Make Food Coloring

This color will not only be safe, but you can make it using simple household ingredients and commonly available spices and vegetables. So, how do you make food coloring at home? Read on and find out.
1. Pink/Red Coloring: There are many options you can explore if pink or red is the colour you want to add to your food. Beets have a lot of natural color, but do not alter the taste of a particular dish. This makes them amazing natural red/pink food coloring agents.
To make the color, you can use canned beet juice or boil and juice the raw vegetable. Once you have boiled the beets, blend them in a food processor and strain the colour out using a sieve.
Other options to make red or pink color include cherries, pomegranate, raspberries or other red fruits. And in case you are thinking of including apple in the list, remember that apple isn’t a red fruit.
2. Orange Coloring: If you want your food to have that orange hue, consider adding carrots to your food. Although oranges might seem like a promising bet, they don’t add a lot of color to your food.
Cut the carrots lengthwise and blend them in a food processor. They will add a natural sweetness to your food.
3. Yellow Coloring: If yellow is the shade you are looking for, then the spice rack is where you need to look into.
Turmeric is one of the best spices that impart yellow color to your food. It does not have a very strong taste, but the color is quite rich and you should make sure that you don’t end up using too much of it.
Alternatively, you can also consider using saffron leaves for that lovely sunny yellow color.
4. Green Coloring: To get green color, you can consider adding spinach to your food. Add a little spinach, so that it does not change the flavor of your dish.
You can use a blended extract of spinach, or even add whole spinach leaves.
5. Blue/Purple Coloring:
These are perhaps the trickiest colors to prepare at home.
Although you can get a blue or purple coloring by blending blueberries and blackberries in a food processor, there are some other ingredients you need to add to derive that rich color. The twist in the tale is an ingredient you probably haven’t thought off – cabbage!
Yes, cabbage! Purple or red cabbage can be used to make purple or blue food coloring.
To make purple coloring, cut and boil cabbage until the water turns dark and the color is intensified. Remove the cabbage from this water. The result is a very rich and lush purple food dye.
To make blue coloring, stir in baking soda into the cabbage purple dye gradually over time. The baking soda reacts with the cabbage juice and the result is a pretty blue dye.
Benefits Of Food Coloring: Using food coloring has a few benefits. They are:
1. Safe: These food based colors are generally safe for use, and don’t contain chemicals that artificially amplified colors do.
2. Lighter Hue: These colors will be paler and more pastel-like than your regular food colors. Although this isn’t really a benefit, this ensures you never overdo the coloring. This way you can check on your progress and make sure that you get the right color combination.
3. Better Taste: Because these colors are made out of natural ingredients, they taste amazing. This makes them all the more desirable than those horrible artificially made coloring agents.



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